

Planter styled with:
Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)
An evergreen perennial plant which is native to tropical regions around the world. A lush and draping fern, the Boston fern thrives in humid environments and instantly adds a pop of green anywhere.

Dimensions:  Dimensions | Elodie is 14cm wide (top diameter) and 15cm high (excluding plant’s height), with drainage hole

Sunlight:  Light | Bright, indirect light; avoid direct sunlight

Sunlight:  Water | Prefers high humidity. Water deeply and thoroughly (till water seeps out of drainage hole) when the top inch of the potting mix is dry

Sunlight:  Care Level | May require some homework

Sunlight:  Pet Friendly | Yes

Sunlight:  Air Purifying | Yes

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Boston Fern






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